Constitution of India MCQs

Formation of the Constitution of India MCQs

11. Which of the, following is a, feature of the “parliamentary form” of government?

(a) Executive is, responsible to Judiciary,

(c) Judiciary ,is responsible to Executive,

(b) Executive, is responsible to Legislature,

(d) Legislature, is responsible to Executive,

See Answer

(b) Executive, is responsible to Legislature

12. The “Indian Constitution” is regarded as,:

(a) Federal,

(b) Parliamentary,

(c) Unitary,

(d) Federal in form, and Unitary in spirit,

See Answer

(b) Parliamentary

13. The Indian, Constitution does, not follow “the model” of the Constitution, of:

(a) US,

(b) UK,

(c) Former USSR,

(d) Ireland,

See Answer

(c) Former USSR

14.Which is ,not a function of the, Constitution?

(a) It acts as a, source of power and, authority of the, government.

(b) It minimizes, confusion and conflict, between various organs, of government.

(c) It strengthens, the hands of rulers, to rule according to, their discretion.

(d) It lays, down the limits, of governmental, authority.

See Answer

(c) It strengthens, the hands of rulers, to rule according to, their discretion

15.The “Constitution of India” borrowed the, scheme of Indian, Federation from the,

Constitution of:

(a) US,

(b) Canada,

(c) Ireland,

(d) UK,

See Answer

(b) Canada

16. Separation, of the “Judiciary from” the Executive is, enjoined by:

(a) Preamble,

(b) Seventh Schedule,

 (c) Directive Principle,

(d) Judicial decision,

See Answer

 (c) Directive Principle

17. The word ‘Economic Justice’ is found, in:

(a) Preamble, Fundamental Rights,

(b) Preamble,

(c) Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles,

(d) Preamble Directive Principles

See Answer

(d) Preamble Directive Principles

18. Which of the, following is a feature, common to both the, Indian Federation and the, American Federation?

(a) A single citizenship,

(b) Dual Judiciary,

(c) Three lists in the, Constitution,

(d) A “Federal Supreme” Court to interpret, the Constitution

See Answer

(d) A “Federal Supreme” Court to interpret, the Constitution

19.The Preamble, of the “Indian Constitution” reads:

(a) We, the people, of India…..adopt, enact and give to, India this Constitution,

(b) We, the people, of Constituent Assembly,…adopt, enact and ,give to India this Constitution,

(e) We, the citizens, of India…adopt, enact and, give to ourselves, this Constitution

(d) We, the people of India, in our Constituent Assembly, adopt, enact, and give to ourselves this Constitution.

See Answer

(d) We, the people of India. in our Constituent Assembly Adopt, enact and give, to ourselves this Constitution

20. The part of ,the “Constitution that reflects” the mind and, ideals of the framers ,is:

(a) Directive Principles,

(b) Preamble,

(c) Fundamental Rights,

(d) Citizenship,

See Answer

(a) Directive Principles

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