Constitution of India MCQs

Constitution of India MCQs for preparation

1. The Central Government’s, exclusive powers are, enumerated in the:

(a) Concurrent List,

 (b) State List   ,  ,  

(c) Union List,

(d) Federal List,


(c) Union List,

2 .Which of the following, is regarded, as an essential, function, of the State?

(a) To run schools for education,

(b) To provide ,defence against external, attacks

(c) To prevent diseases,

(d) To maintain good roads,


(b) To provide ,defense against external, attacks

3. In addition to the powers, given in the Union, and Concurrent, List, the Union Government, has the:

(a) Residuary powers,

(c) Power to, legislate in State List,

(b) Federal powers,

(d) None of these,


(a) Residuary powers,

4. Which of the following, is true in respect to Centre-State, financial relations?

(a) Amount given, by Centre is the only source ,of income to states.

(b) States can bypass, Centre while taking, foreign loans.

 (C) States, cannot levy income, tax.

(d) States can claim 100% ,share in excise duty, on goods produced, in the State.


 (C) States, cannot levy income, tax.

4. Which of the following, taxes is levied by, the State Government, only?

(a) Entertainment Tax,

(b) Income Tax,

(c) Wealth Tax,

(d) Corporation Tax,


(a) Entertainment Tax,

5. Sarkaria Commission, was appointed by the, Government of, India to report on:

(a) Electoral reforms,

(b) Tribal development,

(c) Centre state relations,

(d) Interstate conflicts,


(c) Centre state relations,

6. The State Government’s, responsibility, for educational planning, is shared by the:

(a) Ministry of Human, Resource Development,

(b) Ministry of Home Affairs,

(c) Ministry of Planning,

(d) Ministry of Programme Implementation,


(a) Ministry of Human, Resource Development,

7. Planning in India, derives its objectives, from:

(a) Fundamental Rights,

(b) Fundamental Duties,

(c) Directive Principle,

(d) None of these,


(c) Directive Principle,

8. Which of the following, features does not, belong ,to a federal, government?

(a) The government has two ,distinct levels, State Government ,and central Government.

(b) State Governments ,are agents of the Central, Government.

(c) Both Central and State, Governments derive powers, from the Constitution.

(d) Both Central and, State Governments have ,coordinate status.


(d) Both Central and, State Governments have ,coordinate status.

9. Which of the following, taxes is exclusively and totally ,assigned to the Central Government, by the Constitution?

(a) Estate Duty,

(b) Corporation Tax,

(c) Sales Tax,

(d) Taxes on Railway, fares and freight,


(d) Taxes on Railway, fares and freight,

10. Which of the following, subjects is included, in the Union List?

(a) Gas and gas works,

(b) Agriculture,

(c) Marriage and divorce,

(d) Extradition,


(d) Extradition,

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