Constitution of India MCQs

Indian Constitution MCQs for test preparation

1. The “president” gives his, resignation, to the:

(a) Chief Justice,

(b) Chief Minister,

(c) Parliament,

(d) Vice-President,


(d) Vice-President,

2. The second president, of the Indian Republic, was:

(a) V.V. Giri,

(b) Dr Zakir Hussain,

(c) Dr S. Radhakrishnan,

(d) Dr Rajendra Prasad,


(c) Dr S. Radhakrishnan,

3. For what period, does the vice president, of India hold office?

(a) 5 years,

(b) 2 years,

(c) 6 years,

(d) Till the age, of 65 years,


(a) 5 years,

4. Who among the following, holds office during the pleasure, of the president?

(a) Speaker of Lok Sabha,

(b) Election Commissioner,

(c) Prime Minister,

(d) Governor,


(d) Governor,

5. Which of the following, is not true regarding the:-

(a) They do not, require any parliamentary ,sanction.

(b) They can be reduced, during a Financial ,Emergency.

(C) They are shown ,separately in the budget.

(d) They are charged, on the Contingency ,Fund of India.


(d) They are charged, on the Contingency ,Fund of India.

6. The total number of members, nominated by the President, to the Lok Sabha and the, Rajya Sabha is:

(a) 12,

(b) 14,

(c) 16,

(d) 18,


(a) 12,

7. With reference, to the provisions, of the Indian Constitution, which of the following is not correct?

(a) There is no specific ,procedure mentioned to ,remove the Governor ,of a State.

(b) No single, person can simultaneously ,act as a Governor of two, States.

(c) In a Union Territory, the Lt, Governor appoints, the judges of the, High Court.

(d) President appoints, the judges of the Supreme, Court in consultation ,with the Chief Justice, of India.


(c) In a Union Territory, the Lt, Governor appoints, the judges of the, High Court.

9. Which one of the, following does not, constitute, the Electoral College for ,electing the President, of India?

(a) Elected, members of Rajya Sabha,

(b) Elected members ,of Lok Sabha,

(c) Elected members ,of the Legislative Council,


(c) Elected members ,of the Legislative Council,

10. The Council of Ministers, in a parliamentary type, of government, can remain in office, till it enjoys, the support of, the:-

(a)Minority of members, of the Upper House ,of Parliament

(b) Minority of ,members of the Lower ,House

(c)Majority of the ,members of the Upper, House of Parliament

(d) Majority of the, members of the Lower, House of Parliament


(d) Majority of the, members of the Lower, House of Parliament

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