ASDEOs / ADEOs Preparation MCQsProphets of Allah MCQs

Prophets of Allah MCQ questions with answers

11. “Kalim Ullah” was the title of?

see answer

(Hazrat Musa A.S)

12. How many prophets are mentioned in the Holy Quran?

see answer

(26 Prophets)

13. “Habib Ullah” is the title of?

see answer

(Hazrat Muhammad PBUH)

14. Hazrat Muhammad PBUH Preached Islam openly for the first time at?

see answer


15. Who is the first father in law of the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH?

see answer


16. The greatest, miracle of Hazrat, Muhammad PBUH is?

see answer


17. The meaning of Muhammad PBUH is____________________________-

see answer

(The praised one)

18. Who was the, foster sister, of the Holy, prophet PBUH?

see answer

(Hazrat Khizafa R.A)

19. The name of, camel on which, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) migrated, to Madina?

see answer


20. Which prophet, was carpenter?

see answer

(Hazrat Zakriya A.S)

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