20 Important MCQs on Prophets of Allah
1. ________________ Ghazwahs are described, in the Holy Quran?
(12 Ghazwahs)
2. ____________________Prophets, are mentioned in the, Holy Quran?
(26 Prophets)
3. ___________________ Surahs start, with the name of Prophets in the, Holy Quran?
(6 Surahs)
4. Nation of Noah A.S, worship _______________________________ idols?
(5 idols)
5. brahim A.S Remained, in fire ______________________ days?
(40 days)
6. Hazrat ________________________ was, the first who learn to, write?
(Idress A.s)
7. Hazrat Mussa A.S was, granted _________________________ Miracles?
(9 miracles)
8. Hazrat _______________________ was famous for his, patience?
(Ayub A.S)
“Baitil Laham” is the birth place of, Prophet?
(Essa A.S)
9. Prophet _________________________ has the title of “Najeeb ullah”2
(Dawood A.S)
9.5. The Nation of Hood, destroyed after ____________ day continuous rain, and storm?
(7 days)
10. Yousaf A.S and his, father Yaqoob A.S met each other_________________after, years?
(40 years)