ASDEOs / ADEOs Preparation MCQsIntroduction to Computer MCQS

Introduction to Computer MCQs – Set # 03

111. Which of the following, statement is false?

A) Mechanical analog, computers have existed for, thousands of years

B) There are, mechanical analog vile hon computers, and electronic analog ,636 computers.

C) All electronic, computers are ,digital

 D) All of, above are, false


C) All electronic, computers are ,digital

112. Which of the, succeeding require large, computers memory?

A) Imaging,

B) Graphics,

C) Voice,

D) All,


D) All,

113. Which of the subsequent, is machine individuality, program?

A) High level language,

B) Low level language,

C) Assembly language,

D) Machine language,


A) High level language,

114. When was the first, electro-mechanical computer, industrialized?

A) 1889

B) 1994

C) 1944

D) None,


C) 1944

115. The first machine, to effectively perform a, long series of arithmetic, and logical operations was:


B) Mark-I,

C) Analytic Engine,



B) Mark-I,

116. Which one, is the biggest, space?

A) Kilobyte,

B) Petabyte,

C) Terabyte,

D) Gigabyte,


B) Petabyte,

117. “FORTRAN” programming language, is more suitable, for: ______

A) Business Applications,

B) Marketing Applications,

C) Scientific Applications,

D) None,


C) Scientific Applications,

118. The mind, of a computer, system is:

A) Control Unit,

B) Arithmetic Logic Unit,

C) Central Processing Unit,

D) Storage Unit,


C) Central Processing Unit,

119. Analog, computer works, on the supply, off:

A) Continuous electrical pulses,

B) Electrical pulses but not continuous,

C) Magnetic strength,

D) None,


A) Continuous electrical pulses,

120. An fault in software, or hardware is called a bug. What is, the alternative? Computer jargon, for it?

A) Leech,

B) Squid,

C) Slug,

D) Glitch,


120. An fault in software, or hardware is called a bug. What is, the alternative? Computer jargon, for it?

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