ASDEOs / ADEOs Preparation MCQsEveryday Science MCQs

Everyday Science Mcqs for Fpsc and other Tests

Albatross is a:

 A Sea bird

 The sunlight can reach a depth of…………….. Meters in the ocean?


The biggest planet in our solar system is…………….?


 The biggest species of the cat family is……………?


 Which group of animals has heterogametic females?


The dominant phase of lite cycle in these organism is haploid?


 The atmosphere of moon consists of……………….?

60% Nitrogen, 40%inert gases

The chemical name of quartz is.

Silicon Dioxide

Which month of calendar year can lack a new moon?


Deuterium differs from Hydrogen in having……………………?

 Same atomic number and different atomic weight

Anti Diuretic hormone is secreted by one of the following glands?


 UV light falls in the category of…………………?

Lionizing Radiations

 The earth’s……………… IS divided into 15 major plates of various sizes…………?


One of these scientists formulated basic laws of Geometry?


 Phosphorus is an essential component of one of the following biological molecules:

Nucleic acids

 He was the first scientist to prove that Planets move around the sun’?

 Galileo Galilee

 Atom is made up of……………………. different kinds of subatomic particles…………?


 The alpha particles are compact clusters of…………….?

Two Protons and two Neutrons

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