Constitution of India MCQs

Constitution of India most repeated MCQs for preparation

11. The idea of, the Constitution of, India was first of, all given by:

(a) Mahatma Gandhi,

(b) Jawaharlal Nehru,

(c) Dr B. R. Ambedkar,

(d) Shri M. N. Roy,

12. The “Constitution of India” was promulgated on, January 26, 1950 because:

(a) This day, was being celebrated, as the Independence, Day since 1929

(b) It was, the wish of the, framers of the, Constitution

(c) The British, did not want to, leave India earlier than, this date,

(d) It was, an auspicious day,

13.The “first session” of the “Constituent Assembly” was held in:

(a) Bombay,

(b) Calcutta,

(c) Lahore,

(d) New Delhi,

14. The “members of the Constituent” Assembly, were:

(a) Elected by, provincial assemblies,

(c) Nominated, by the government,

(b) Elected, directly by people,

(d) Only, representatives of the princely, states

15. The “Indian Constitution” was enforced, on:

(a) 30th Jan, 1950,

(b) 26th Jan, 1950,

(c) 15th Aug, 1947,

(d) 26th Nov, 1949,

16. The “Constitution of India” was adopted, by the:

(a) Governor General,

(b) Constituent Assembly,

(c) British Parliament,

(d) Parliament of India,

17. How long did, the “Constituent Assembly” take to finally, pass the Constitution,?

(b) Exactly a, year since Nov, 26, 1948

(d) About three, years since, Dec 9, 1946

(a) About, 6 months in 1949,

(C)About 2, years since Aug, 15, 1947

18. Who was, the Chairman of the, “Constituent Assembly”?

(a) Jawaharlal Nehru,

(b) Dr B. R. Ambedkar,

(c) Dr Rajendra Prasad,

(d) C. Rajagopalachari,

19. India, became a sovereign, democratic, republic on:

3) Aug 15, 1947,

(b) Jan 30, 1948,

(c) Jan 26, 1950,

(d) Nov 26, 1920,

20. When, did Mr. Attlee, Prime Minister of England, announce the transfer, of power to the Indians,?

(a) February 1947,

(b) August 1947,

(c) June 1948,

(d) June 1949,

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