Constitution of India MCQs

Constitution of India MCQs for preparation

11. The residuary, powers mean the:

(a) Powers shared, between the Union, and State Governments

(b) Powers related, to country’s internal, affairs

(c) Powers related, to country’s external, affairs

(d) Powers not, included in any of ,the three Lists


(d) Powers not, included in any of ,the three Lists

12. Under the Constitution, the residuary powers, vest with the:

(a) President,

(b) Union Government,

(c) Supreme Court,

(d) State Governments,


(b) Union Government,

13. Which of the following, is not in the State List under, the Constitution of India?

(a) Fisheries,

(b) Agriculture,

(c) Insurance,

(d) Gambling,


(d) Gambling,

14. The Centre-State financial, distribution takes place, on the recommendation, by the:

(a) Finance Minister,

(b) Finance Commission,

(c) Planning Commissio11,

(d) Sarkaria Commission,


(a) Finance Minister,

15. In normal times, the Union, Parliament:

(a) Can legislate, on any item in the State, List if the President, so desires.

(b) Can legislate on any, item in the State List if the, Lok Sabha passes a, resolution by two-third ,majority.

(c) Can legislate on, any item in the State List, if the Rajya Sabha passes ,that effect by two-third majority,

(d) Cannot legislate, on any item in the, State List


(c) Can legislate on, any item in the State List, if the Rajya Sabha passes ,that effect by two-third majority,

16. Grants –in-aid of revenue, to the states is recommended, by the:

(a) Inter-State Council,

(c) Finance Commission,

(b) Planning Commission,

(d) National Development Council,


(c) Finance Commission,

17. Railways is, a subject on the:

(a) Concurrent List,

(b) Union List,

(c) State List,

(d) Residual List,


(b) Union List,

18. Agricultural income tax, is assigned to the State, governments by the:

(a) Constitution of India,

(b) National Development Council,

(c) Inter-State Council,

(d) Finance Commission,


(a) Constitution of India,

19. Which of the following, is in the Concurrent List, in the Constitution of India?

(a) Population control ,and family planning,

(b) Public health and sanitation,

(c) Capitation taxes,

(d) Treasure trove,


(a) Population control ,and family planning,

20. Which subject, was transferred, from State List to, Concurrent List by, the 42ndAmendment, of the Constitution?

(a) Agriculture,

(b) Irrigation,

(c) Education,

(d) Local Self Government,


(c) Education,

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