Constitution of India MCQs

44 important Constitution of India MCQs

21. What is “zero hour”?

(a) When the, proposals of the, opposition are considered

(b) When matters of utmost importance are raised

(c) Interval between, the morning and, afternoon sessions

(d) When a Money, Bill is introduced in, the Lok Sabha

See Answer

(b) When matters of utmost importance are raised

22.The Deputy Chairman, of the Rajya Sabha, can be removed, by a resolution:

(a) Passed by two-thirds, majority of its total, members present

(b) Passed by a simple, majority of its, total members, present

(c)Moved by Rajya, Sabha but, passed by Lok Sabha

(d) None,

See Answer

(b) Passed by a simple, majority of its, total members, present

23. A Bill referred, to a Joint sitting, of the two Houses, of the Parliament, is to be passed by:

(a) A simple majority,

(b) Three-fourth majority,

(c) Two-thirds majority,

(d) Absolute majority, of total membership,

See Answer

(a) A simple majority

24.Which of the, following Bills was discussed, in the Lok Sabha but was ,withdrawn before it could be, discussed in the Rajya, Sabha?

(a) Newspaper, Employees Bill,

(b) Defamation Bill,

(c) Banami Transaction Bill,

(d) Hill Council Bill,

(e) None of these,

See Answer

(b) Defamation Bill

 25. Which of the following,  has banned, ‘floor crossing’ by the members ,elected on a party, ticket to the legislature?

(a) 52nd Constitution Amendment Act,

(b) National Security Act,

(c) People’s Representation Act,

 (d) Maintenance, of Internal Security,

See Answer

(a) 52nd Constitution Amendment Act

26.As decided by, the Government of India, a member of Parliament, would  get what amount, of money to spend, on developmental, activities in his/her, constituency?

(a) Rs. 1 lakh,

(b) Rs. 2 crore,

(c) Rs. 1 crore,

(d) Rs. 10 lakh,

See Answer

(c) Rs. 1 crore

27. The maximum, strength, of Lok Sabha, and Rajya, Sabha, respectively is:

(a) 500 and 250,

(b) 545 and 250,

(c) 537 and 275,

(d) 525 and 238,

See Answer

(b) 545 and 250

28. Anglo-Indian representatives, in the Lok Sabha, are nominated in terms, of the Articles:-

(a) 331,

(b) 90,

(c) 333,

(d) 370,

See Anwer

(a) 331

 29. The question ,of disqualification, of a member of the, State Legislature shall be, decided by:

(a) The Governor, in consultation with the, President

(b) The Governor, in consultation with, the Election Commission,

(c) State Legislative, Council,

(d) State Legislative Assembly,

See Answer

(b) The Governor, in consultation with, the Election Commission

30. The “Union President”, can directly disallow, a State Legislation:

(a) In case of any bill,

(b)In case of bills reserved, by the Governor for President’s assent,

(c) In case of money bills,

See Answer

(b)In case of bills reserved by the Governor for President’s assent

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