Constitution of India MCQs

Important Indian Policy and Constitution MCQs

l1. Which of the, following is not, specifically mentioned, in Article 19 of the, Constitution?

(a) Freedom of, speech and expression,

(6) Freedom to, assemble peacefully without, arms

(c) Freedom, to move freely,

(d) Freedom of the press,

12. Right to, Constitutional Remedies, comes under:

a) Fundamental Rights,

(b) Constitutional Rights,

(c) Legal Rights,

(d) Natural Rights,

13,The Fundamental, Duties of Indian, citizens were, provided by:

4) An amendment of, the Constitution,

(C) An order, issued by the President,

 (b) A judgment ,of the Supreme Court,

(d) A Legislation, adopted by the Parliament,

15. Which of the, following is correct about, the Fundamental, Duties?

I. These are not, enforceable..

II .These are, primarily moral duties.

IIL. These are, not related to any, legal rights.

(a) I, II and III,

(b) Land II,

(c) Il and Ill,

(d) I and II,

16. Right to Property, was removed from the, list of Fundamental, Rights by whie, amendment?

(a) 14th,

(b) 42nd,

(c) 39th,

(d) 44th,

17. Which of the, following Directive, Principles is based ,on Gandhian ideology?

(a) Equal pay for ,equal work for both ,men and women.

(b) Uniform civil, code for all citizens.,

(c) Separation, of Judiciary from Executive,.

(d) Promotion, of cottage industries.,

18. Which of the, following is a ,Fundamental duty of, an Indian citizen?

(a) To cast his ,vote during election.,

(b) To develop, scientific temper and,, spirit of inquiry

(c) To work for, removal of illiteracy.

(d) To honor, the elected leaders.,

19. Which of the, follow ing Directive, Principles of State, Policy has not been, implemented so far?

(a) Separation, of judiciary from the, Executive.

(b) Promotion of, international peace and, security.

(c) Uniform civil, code for the citizens.,

(d) Organization, of village panchayats,.

20. Right to, free education within, certain limits is:

(a) Guaranteed, as a Fundamental Right,

(b) Enshrined ,in the Directive Principles, of State Policy.

(c) Outlined, in the Preamble, of the Constitution,

(d) Ignored, by the Constitution,

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