ASDEOs / ADEOs Preparation MCQsImportant General Knowledge MCQs

General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

41. “Heathrow” is the, seaport ,of:

see answer


42. “Largest producer” of uranium, is:

see answer


43. Country, situated below the, sea level, name:

see answer


44. Who, was the “painter of Mona Lisa”?

see answer

Leonardo Davinci

45. which is an “extinct volcano” located in “Chagai District, Baluchistan” have deep resources of Sulfur.

see answer

Neza e Sultan

46. “Yellow sea” is situated, between:

see answer

China and Korea

47. “Longest land boundary” between two countries, are ___________________and __________________?

see answer

USA and Canada

48. When the “Simla Accord” was signed?

see answer

July 3, 1972

49. When, did Pakistan become, member of, United Nations?

see answer

30th Sep 1947

50. Which, country opposed, Pakistan’s membership, in “United Nations”?

see answer


51. Author of “Paradise Lost & Paradise” Regained, was:

see answer

John Milton.

52. “Asgheri aur Akbari” characters, of which novel?

see answer


53. “Shikwa aur Jawab-e-Shikwa iqbal” which one book have?

see answer


54. What is “length of Pakistan-India, border”?

see answer

1610 km

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