General Science MCQs

78 repeated General Science MCQs

31. “Microorganisms” can only, be seen with, in equipment, called: __________________________?

(a) Microscope

(c) Telescope

(b) spectroscope

(d) stethoscope

32. “TB and typhoid” is caused by: ______________________________________-?

(a) Fungus

(b) Bacteria

(c) Virus

(d) Moss

33. There, are_______________ types, of seeds?

(a) 1

b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

34. The “pieces of seeds” are called____________________?

(a) Cotvledons

(b) Dicotyledonous

(c) Seed

(d) monocotyledonous

35. The seeds, which have, only one “Cotyledon” are called: _______________________________?

(a) Dicotyledonous

(b) Monocotyledonous

(c) Both A&B

(d) None of these

36. The grain of “maize is surrounded by their cover” called: ___________________________?

(a) Seed

(b) Embryo

(c) Testa

(d) None of these

37. The seeds, which are, composed of, two cotyledons are called: ____________________________-?

(a) Dicotyledonous

(b) monocotyledonous

(c) Both A&B

(d) none of these

38. Growth, of a plant from, a seed is, called: ___________________________________-?

(a) Germination

(b) Cotyledon

(c) embryo

(d) Monocot

39. There are __________________________ kinds, of pollution?

b) 3

(c) 4

(d) 5

(a) 2

40. Materials, are those, which are, degraded, by nature?

(a) Biodegradable

(b) Non- Biodegradable

(c) Both A& B

(d) None of these

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