General Science MCQs

78 repeated General Science MCQs

T1.Those organisms, which can live, both in water, and on, land called: ___________________?

(a) Reptiles

 (b) Birds

(c) Amphibians

(d) None of these

12. “Reptiles” are completely, vertebrates?

(b) air

a) Land

(c) Sea

(d) none of these

13.These vertebrates, which give birth to, young ones and, the mother ;also feed the babies ;with milk are called: _____________________________________?

(a) Animals

(c) Amphibians

(b) Mammals

(d) Invertebrates

14. Those organisms, which “don’t have backbone” in their, bodies are, called: _________________________?

(a) Vertebrates

(c) Both A &B

(b) Invertebrates

(d) None of these

15.The “largest subgroup, of invertebrates” is: _____________________?

(a) Insets

(b) Both A &B

(c) Worms

(d) None of these

16. Plants, which “don’t bear flowers”?

(a) Flowering plants

(c) Plants

(c) Non flowering plants

(d) None of these

17. Plants ,which produce, flowers for, their reproduction called: __________________________?

(a) Flowering plants

(c) Plants

(b) non flowering plants

(d) None of these

18. The plants having one “cotyledon” in their ,seeds are: ________________________ called?


 b) Monocot

(c) Both A&B

(d) Dicot

19. The plants, having two “cotyledons” are, called: ____________________________?

(a) Cotyledons

(b) Dicot

(c) mono cot

(d) none of these

20. Classification of “animals and plants” is called: ______________________-?


(b) Ecology

(c) Morphology

(d) Botany

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