Khalfa-e-Rashideen and Ghazwat MCQS

20 Important MCQs on Khalfa-e-Rashideen and Ghazwaat

11. “Al-Bari” means,?

(The maker)

12. Who introduced, the jail system for the detention, of prisoners?

Hazrat Umar R.A)

13. “Saryya” means, is?

(A bottle which is not attended by the Holy prophet PBUH)

14. The name of, an angel takes out, the souls of life, bearing creatures.

Izraeel (A.S)

15. The name of, the angel who appointed to, deliver messages to, the Prophet from, Allah?

Jabraeel (A.S)

16. “Cave Hira” is, in?

(An Neor Mountain)

17. The first, masjid on the surface of Earth, is?

(Quba Masjid)

18. “Jizya” means,,__________________?

(Poll tax on non-Muslims)

19. “AI- Hudaibiya” treaty, scribed, by _________________?

(Ali Al-Murtaza R.A)

20. “Al- Mutta” compiled, by?

(Imam Malik R.A)

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