Microsoft Excel MCQs for test and Interview

331. Which of the, following function will, return a value of 8?

a. ROUNDUP(8.4999, 0),

b. ROUNDDOWN(8.4999, 0),

c. ROUND(8.4999, 0),

d. Only B and C,

See Answer

d. Only B and C

332. How to restrict, to run a macro automatically, when starting “Microsoft Excel?

a. Hold down the, SHIFT key during startup,

b. Hold down ,the CTRL key during startup,

c. told down, the ESC key during startup,

d. Hold down, the ALT key during startup,

See Answer

a. Hold down the, SHIFT key during startup

333. How to remove the, unwanted action from recorded, macro without recording, the whole macro again, ?

a. By using the, Find and Edit Action, Option

b. By clicking, on the Refresh button in the Macro, toolbar

c. By edit the, macro in the Visual Basic Editor

d. Macro cannot be ,edited.

See Answer

c. By edit the, macro in the Visual Basic Editor

334. What should, be add before, a fraction to avoid, entering it as a date?


b. FR,

c. Zero,

d. Zero Space,

See Answer

d. Zero Space

335. Which of the, following function will, use to find the highest, number in a series of ,number?

a. MAX(B1:B3),

b. MAXIMUM (B1:B3),

c. HIGH (B1:B3),

d. HIGHEST(B1:B3),

See Answer

a. MAX(B1:B3)

336. What does, the NOW() function, return?

a. It returns the, serial number of the current date ,and time

b. It returns the, serial number of the, current date

C. It returns the, serial number of the, current time

d. None of them

See Answer

d. None of them

337. What value, will display if the ,formula “S55.00″+5 is ,entered into a cell?

a. $60,

b. 60,

C. “$55.00″+5,

d. $60.00,

See Answer

b. 60

338. What is the, shortcut key to insert, current date in a cell?

a. CTRL+D,

b. CTRL+ T,

c. CTRL+

d. CTRL+/ epddoy ne eti

See Answer

c. CTRL+

339. Which of the, following syntax is ,correct regarding to SUM, function in Excel?

a. =SUM (A1, B1),

b. =SUM (A1:B9),

C. =SUM (A1:A9, B1:B9),

d. All

See Answer

d. All

340. What is the, shortcut key to hide, entire column?

a. CTRL +,

b. CTRL + 0,

c. CTRL+ H,

d. CTRL + C,

See Answer

b. CTRL + 0

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