Java MCQs

JAVA Important MCQs for Test & Interview Preparation

1. Java Programs, are: ______________________

a. Faster than others

b. Platform independent,

c. Not reusable as usual

d. Not Scalable to scale

see answer

b. Platform independent,

2. Java Programming language has its origin in: ______________

a. C Programming Languages



d. Oak Programming language

see answer

d. Oak Programming language

3. Which one is true, for Java programming, language:

a. Java is fully objected oriented and also interpreted

b. Partial object oriented

c. Java uses no compilers

d. None of the above

see answer

a. Java is fully objected oriented and also interpreted

4. The command “javac” is used for, the: ______________

a. for debugging java program

b. compiling a java program

c. interpreting a java progarm

d. None of the above

see answer

b. compiling a java program

5. “Java servlets” are an efficient and, powerful solution for to, create __________ for the web based.

a. Dynamic content

b. Static content

c. Partial content switching

d. None of the above

see answer

a. Dynamic content

6. Filters were officially, introduced in the servlet, specifications:

a. 2.3

b. 1.5

c. 2.7

d. None of the above

see answer

a. 2.3

7. Which of them, is the root class of all, AWT events:

a. java.awt.actionevent

b. java.awt.AWTEvent

c. java.awt.eventauto


see answer

b. java.awt.AWTEvent

8. Object oriented, programs features are:

i. increasing productivity

ii. Reusability

iii. Decreasing maintenance cost

iv. High vulnerability

a. 1,2 and 3

b. 1,2 only

c. 1,2 and 4

d. None

see answer

a. 1,2 and 3

9. Break statement, is used to: _________________

i. get out of all the methods

ii. end a program

iii. get out of a loop.

iv. get out of the system

a. 1,2 and 3

b. only 3

c. 1, 2, 3 and 4

d. None

see answer

b. only 3

10. Native protocol pure, java converts ________ into _________.

a. JDBC calls, user call

b. JDBC calls, network protocol

c. JDBC protocol, network

d. None

see answer

b. JDBC calls, network protocol

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