Geography MCQs

Geography MCQs for Test & Interview Preparation

1. “World map” derivative from?

(A) Latin

(B) Greek

(C) German

(D) Italian

see answer

(A) Latin

2. The “sum of oceans” in world, is?

(B) 3

(A) 2

(C) 5

(D) 7

see answer

(C) 5

3. “One fathom” is identical, to feet?

(A) 2

(B) 6

(C) 7

(D) 8

see answer

(B) 6

4 Which one of subsequent is the “biggest ocean”?

(A) Pacific

(B) Atlantic

(C) Indian

(D) Arctic

see answer

(A) Pacific

5. Which of the, succeeding is the “largest ocean”?

(A) Pacific

(B) Atlantic

(C) Indian

(D) Arctic

see answer

(B) Atlantic

6. “Richter scale” is used to, amount?

(A) Floods

(B) Earthquakes

(C) Winds

(D) Cyclones

see answer

(B) Earthquakes

7. Movement of cyclone, in the “Northern hemisphere” is ________________?

(A) Clockwise

(B) Anti clockwise

(C) Both A & B

 (D) None of these

see answer

(B) Anti clockwise

8. Most “disastrous earthquake” in the history, of Pakistan was: ________________?

(A) 2005

(B) 2006

(C) 2007

(D) 2008

see answer

(A) 2005

9. Basic types, of environmental pollution, are ___________________?

(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 5

(D) 6

see answer

(B) 4

10. “Environment” is reservoir, of: ____________________?

(A) Pollutants,

(B) Resources,

(C) Problems,

(D) Opportunities,

see answer

(B) Resources,

11. “Speaking loudly” also, subsidizes: ____________________?

(A) Air Pollution,

(B) Sail Pollution,

(C) Water Pollution,

(D) Noise Pollution,

see answer

(D) Noise Pollution,

12. Climate of “temperature region” is: ________________________?

(A) Hot,

(B) Moderate,

(C) Rainy,

(D) Cold,

see answer

(B) Moderate,

13. The “grassland” of “South American” is so-called: _________________?

(A) Steppes,

(B) Prairies,

(C) Pampas,

(D) Veld,

see answer

(C) Pampas,

14. “Himalaya Mountains” are located, in ___________________?

(A) Central Asia,

(B) Eašt Asia,

(C) South Asia,

(D) None of these,

see answer

(C) South Asia,

15. “Central Asia” has ____________ number of Countries?

(A) 5

(B) 6

(C) 7

(D) 4

see answer

(A) 5

16. “Speaking loudly” also gives?

(A) Air Pollution,

(B) Sail Pollution,

(C) Water Pollution,

(D) Noise Pollution,

see answer

(D) Noise Pollution,

17. The climate, of “temperature region” is: _________________?

(A) Hot,

(B) Moderate,

(C) Rainy,

(D) Cold,

see answer

(B) Moderate,

18. The grassland, of “South American” is called: _______________?

(A) Steppes

(B) Prairies

(C) Pampas

(D) Veld

see answer

(C) Pampas

19. “Himalaya Mountains” are, located in _________________?

(A) Central Asia,

(B) Eašt Asia,

(C) South Asia,

(D) None ,

see answer

(C) South Asia,

20. “Central Asia” has _______________________ Countries?

(B) 5

(C) 6

(D) 7

(A) 4

see answer

(B) 5

21. “Most populated country” in the world, is: ______________________?

(A) China,

(B) Iran,

(C) India,

(D) Pakistan,

see answer

(A) China,

22. “Market monopoly” means: _____________?

(A) Lack of markets

(B) Market Value

(C) No Competition

(D) None

see answer

(C) No Competition

23. In “economic context” GDP stands, for ___________________?

(A) Gender Development program

(B) Gross Domestic Product

(C) Ground Development Party

(D) Gross Domestic Power

see answer

(B) Gross Domestic Product

24. There, are “GIS” components?

(A) 4

(B) 5

(C) 3

(D) 9

see answer

(A) 4

25. “GPS Originally” developed for, assistant?

(A) Political,

(B) Military,

(C) Faraway Markets,

(D) Strong Competition,

see answer

(B) Military,

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