Constitution of United Kingdom (UK) MCQS

England Constitution MCQs for test preparation

31. “Mrs. Margaret Thatcher” ruled the country, for ………………………..:

(a) 16 years,

(b) 10 years,

(c) 14 years,

(d) None,


(b) 10 years,

32. The “prime minister” is appointed by ……………………….:

(a) House of Lords,

(b) The Queen,

(c) House of Commons,

(d) None,


(c) House of Commons,

33. in 1979, Wilson was removed, by ………………………..:

(a) Sir Alec Douglas-Home,

(b) Mr. Winston Churchill,

(c) Mrs. Thatcher,

(d) None,


(c) Mrs. Thatcher,

34. The “leader of the Cabinet” is ………………………….:

(a) Queen,

(b) Prime Minister,

(c) Speaker,

(d) All,


(b) Prime Minister,

35. During the, average session, of Parliament, how many questions, receive an oral answer?

(a) 1000-2000,

(b) 2000-3000,

(c) 3000-4000,

(d) s000-6000,


(b) 2000-3000,

36. Women became, eligible to sit in, the House of Commons in ……………………..:

(a) 1888,

(b) 1912,

(e) 1918,

(d) 1945,


(e) 1918,

37. Who decides, whether a bill is a, money bill or non- money, bill?

(a) Speaker of the House of Commons,

(b) Chairman of the House of Lords,

 (b) King,

(d) All ,


(a) Speaker of the House of Commons,

38. The “Privy Council” has grown out of the ……………………………..:

(a) Cabal,

(b) Curia Regis,

(c) Court,

(d) All ,


(a) Cabal,

39. “Money bills” originate in, the house of ……………………….:

(a) Lord,

(b) Commons,

(c) None,

(d) All,


(b) Commons,

40. According to the, constitution of the, Great Britain, the voting, age is …………………….:

(a) 18years,

(b) 19 years,

(c) 20 years,

(d) 22 years,


(a) 18years,

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