Constitution of United Kingdom (UK) MCQS

British Constitution MCQs for preparation

21. The “Public Order Act” was passed in ………………………………:

(a) 1935,

(b) 1936,

(c) 1938,

(d) 1940,

22. The “Peerage Acts” were passed in …………………………:

(a) 1940 and 1945,

(b) 1958 and 1963,

(c) 1950 and 1955,

(d) None,

23. The “Government of Ireland Act” was passed in ………………………..:

(a) 1920  ,      ,

(b) 1921,

(c) 1922,

(d) 1923,

24. Firstly, the “Judicature Act” was passed in ……………………..:

(a) 1873,

(b) 1874,

(c) 1875,

(d) 1876,

25. The “Parliamentary and Municipal, Elections Act” was passed in ………………….:

(b) 1873,

(a) 1871,

(c) 1872,

(d) 1875,

26. The “Septennial Act” was passed in ……………………….:

(a) 1715,

(b) 1716,

(c) 1718,

(d) 1720,

27. The “Representation of the People Acts” were passed in the, years ………………….:

(a) 1915 and 1920,

(e) 1917 and 1919,

(b) 1918 and 1928,

(d) 1910 and 1920,

28. If conventions, are not followed the, entire system will fail, to operate, said by:

(a) Munro,

(c) Philips,

(d) None ,

(b) Dicey,

29. The “doctrine of separation of powers” was propounded by, the French jurist

(a) Montesquieu (1748),

(c) Madison’s (1787),

(b) Black Stone (1765),

(d) None ,

30. After the Reforms Act, of ……. the nomenclature ,of parties was changed.

(a) 1830,

(b) 1831,

(c) 1832,

(d) 1833,

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