Computer Abbreviations MCQs

Computer Abbreviations multiple choice questions with answers

1. “WWW” abbreviation is:

A. World Wide Wizard,

B. World Wide Web,

C. Wide World Web,

D. World Wide Wonder,

see answer

B. World Wide Web

2. “URL” abbreviation is:

A. United Research Locator,

B. Unicode Resource Locator,

C. Uniform Resource Locator,

D. Uniform Read Locator,

see answer

C. Uniform Resource Locator,

3. “FTP” abbreviation is:

A. File Transmission Program,

B. Fast Transmission Processor,

C. Fast Text Processing,

D File Transfer Protocol

see answer

D File Transfer Protocol

4. “BIOS” stands with:

A. Bias Integrated Output System,

B Basic Input Output System,

C. Bias Integrated Operator System,

D. Basic Input Output Software,

see answer

B Basic Input Output System,

5. IBM stands for the following:

A. Integrated Business Machine

B. Internal Business Machine,

C. Indian Business Machine,

D. International Business Machine,

see answer

D. International Business Machine,

6. “CPU” abbreviation is:

A. Central Processing Unit,

B. Computer Protection Unit,

C. Computer Processing Unit,

D. Central Processing Upload,

see answer

A. Central Processing Unit,

7. “ALU” is standing for:

A. Access Logic Unit,

B. Arithmetic Logic Unit

C. Array Logic Unit,

D. Artificial Logic Unit,

see answer

B. Arithmetic Logic Unit

8. “DVD” refers to:

A. Digital Video Developer,

B. Digital Video Disk,

C. Digital Video Device,

D. Digital Video Drive,

see answer

C. Digital Video Device,

9. Full form of “MB” is:

A. Mini Bytes,

B. Micro Bytes,

C. Milli Bytes,

D. Mega Bytes,

see answer

D. Mega Bytes,

10. “FORTRAN” is standing for:

A. Formal Translation,

B Formula Translation,

C. Formative Translation,

D. Formal Transaction,

see answer

B Formula Translation,

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