Computer Science MCQsMS Word MCQs

Mastering MS Word: Unleashing the Power of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

71. When three “hyphens”, underse equal signs, asterisks, or number, signs are typed, and then the enter key, is pressed the, AutoFormat, feature

a. places a, border above, a paragraph

b. creates a, numbered ,list

c. changes the, characters to an em dach

d. creates a bulleted, list

72. Microsoft “Office Word is a (n)

a. area in the computer’s, main memory in which, Microsoft Office text, files stored, temporarily

b. program included ,with Windows 2000 that, can be used only to, create or edit text files, smaller than 64K, that do not, require formatting

c. classified password, that prevents unauthorized, users from accessing, a protected Microsoft, Office item or, document

d. full-featured, word processing, program that can be, used to create and ,revise professional, looking documents ,easily

73. ‘”Ctrl+E

a. Exit Applicatioon,

b. Select All,

c. Clear All,

d. Align Center,

74. When a “stom tab” stop is set, order?

a. clears all default, tab stops

b. clears all default, tab stops to the, of the custom, tab stop

c. Clears all default, tab stops to, left of

d. does not, clear ny default, tab stops

75 When “inserting Page number” in appeared 1 but you wish, to show From format, men choose bullets a the, custom tab stop, footer

a. How can you do that? No Numbering< and necessary setting” configure

b. From Insert menu, choose Page Number, and specify necessary, setting

C. Click on Page ,Number Format tool, and specify required, setting

d. All of, above

76. How do you” close a word document” without closing Word ,window?

a. Click on the, Close button on, the title bar

b. Click on X, minimize button on, the title bar

C. Click on the Close, command on Office, menu

d. Click Exit, on the File, menu

77. To switch between” insert mode and Overtype” mode,

a. click Caption on, the Insert menu

b. double-click the OVR, status indicator on ,the status bar

c. click Text Box, on the Insert, menu

d. double-click the INS, status indicator on, the status bar

78. What “should you do” if you require, to paste the same, format in many, places?

a. Click the Format, painter and go on pasting ,in many places holding, Alt Key

b. Double click the, format painter then, gob on pasting in, many places

c. Click the format, painter then go on, pasting to many places, holding Ctrl Key

d. above

79. Which, would you “choose to save a document” with a new, name?

a. Press ,Ctrl+S

b. Click File, Save

c. Click Tools, Options, Save

d. Click File, Save As

80. You cannot, close MS Word, application by

a. Choosing File menu, then Exit submenu

b. Press Alt+F4,

c. Click  X button, on title bar

d. From File menu, choose Close ,submenu

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