Computer Science MCQsMS Word MCQs

Mastering MS Word: Unleashing the Power of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

361. The main elements of the the insertion point, end mark, mouse pointer, rulers, scroll bars, and status bar are

a. Word toolbar

b. Formatting toolbar

c. Word document window

d. Graphics toolbar

362. MS-Word automatically moves then text to the next line when it reaches the right edge of the screen and is called?

a. Carriage Return

b. Enter

c. Word Wrap

d. None of the above

363. Which of the following statement is false?

a. You can set different header footer for even and odd pages

b. You can set different page number formats for different sections

c. You can set different header footer for first page of a section

d. You can set different header and footer for last page of a section

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