Computer Science MCQsMS Word MCQs

Mastering MS Word: Unleashing the Power of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

331. Which would, you choose to list, “Synonyms & Antonyms” of a selected, word?

a. Tools, Spelling, & Grammar

b. Tools, Language

c. Tools, Options,

d. Insert, Cross-reference,

332. Which, would you choose, to display the statistics, about a document?

a. tools, word count

b. insert, statistics,

c. tools, spelling and grammar,

d. tools, statistics,

333. Which is, an “Office feature” that makes it easy, to edit embedded, objects?

a. pasting,

b. visual editing,

c. tools, update, links,

d. edit, links,

334. When using, the “MLA style, position explanatory notes” either at the

a. top of the page, as head notes or, at the end of, the paper as, endnotes

b. bottom of, the page as, footnotes or, at the end of the, paper as endnotes

c. top of the page as ,head notes or at the, beginning of the ,paper as front notes

d. bottom of the, page as footnotes, or at the beginning, of the paper as ,front notes

335. If you want, to keep track, of different editions, of a document which, features will, you use?

a. Editions,

b. Versions,

c. Track Change,

d. All of above,

336. Which, feature is used, for monitoring, all document, changes?

a. Edit Document,

b. Monitor Change,

c. Track Change,

d. Track all,

337. Which of, the following, “line spacing” is invalid,?

a. Single,

b. Double,

c. Triple,

d. Multiple,

338. How many, margins are there, on a page?

a. Two (header and footer),

b. Four (top, bottom, right and left),

c. Two (landscape and portrait),

d. Four (center, top, left and bottom),

339. Which of the, following is, correct regarding “Underline in MS-Word”?

a. Color of Underline, can be change

b. Style of, Underline can be, change

c. Underline, can be set using, by shortcut key

d. All of the, above

340. On the, works cited page, list works by, each author’s last, name and title, of the work.

a. italicize or underline,

b. boldface or italicize,

c. underline or boldface,

d. enlarge or underline,

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