Computer Science MCQsMS Word MCQs

Mastering MS Word: Unleashing the Power of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

131. Which of ,the following “enables you to make multiple” changes in ,a document at ,once?

a. find ,command

b. Replace, command

C. Drag and, Drop

d. copy ,command

132. Which of the, following is best, for quick copy, operation?

a. Copy and, Paste

b. Windows ,Clipboard

c. Drag and, Drop

d. Auto Text,

133. Which of the ,following is best, for quick copy, operation?

a. Copy and ,Paste

b. Windows, Clipboard

c. Drag and, Drop

d. Auto Text,

134. Which of the, following operations, moves text from, clipboard?

a. Copy,

b. Paste,

c. Drag and Drop,

d. Cut,

135. To “select a group of words”, click, the

a. Group button, on the Formatting, toolbar

b. double-click, anywhere within the, group to be, selected

C. drag the mouse, pointer through the, characters to be, selected

d. right-click the ,first and last characters, of the group to, be selected

136. On which “toolbar” can you find, Format “Painter tool”?

a. Standard, toolbar

b. Formatting, toolbar

C. Drawing, Toolbar

d. Picture, Toolbar

137. What must ,be used to “control the layering” of objects ?

a. formatting, toolbar

b. picture, toolbar

C. drawing, toolbar

d. image ,toolbar

138. Where can, you find the Draw, Table tool, button?

a. Standard ,toolbar

b. Formatting, toolbar

c. Drawing, toolbar

d. Tables and, formatting ,toolbar

139. Which toolbar, has crop, button?

a. Standard ,toolbar

b. Formatting, toolbar

C. Drawing, toolbar

d. Picture Toolbar,

140. Which of the following, is graphics solution for “Word Processors”?

a. Clipart,

b. WordArt,

C. Drop Cap,

d. All of above,

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