Islamic History & Study MCQS

Islamiyat mcqs for test and interview preparation

71. The rate and method of distribution of zakat was determined at Madina in?

A. 1 A.H,

B.  “2 A.H”

C. 3 A.H,

D. 5 A.H,


B.  “2 A.H

72. For payment, of Zakat on, silver the, determined ,amount is?

A. “52 1/2 tolas”

 B. 57 1/2 tolas,

C. 54 1/2 tolas,

D. 70 1/2 tolas,


A. “52 1/2 tolas

73. Who, was first, women “Hafiz-e-Quran”?

A.Umal Mumneen Hazrat Hafsa (R.A),

B.Umal Mumneen Hazrat Aysha (R.A),

C.Umal Mumneen Hazrat Zainab (R.A),

D None,


A.Umal Mumneen Hazrat Hafsa (R.A),

74. The longest Surah of the Qur’an is ?

A. “Surah al Baqarah”

B. Surah al Imran,

C. Surah al Tauba,

D. Surah Yunus,


A. “Surah al Baqarah

75.Injunction,, of utilization ,of Zakat is in. How many, conditions, are for, Namaz?

A.Surah Kafirun,

B.Surah Ah,

C. “Surah-al Tauba”

D. Surah Baqra,


C. “Surah-al Tauba

76. “Namaz-e-Istasqa” is offered, with

A. “Backside of hands upward”

B. Hands raised at the sides,

C. Backside of hands downward,

D. Hands downward at the sides,


A. “Backside of hands upward

77. “Al-Maeen” is a Surah, in which there, are? 84. For, whom Hajj, is compulsory,?

A. “100 or more ayahs”

B. Simple orders,

C. Hard orders,


A. “100 or more ayahs

78 .How many, conditions are, for “NAMAZ”?

A. 5,

B. 6,


D. 8,


78 .How many, conditions are, for “NAMAZ”?

79. “Hajj” is not, completed unless ,you go to?

A. Arafat,

B. Madina,

C. Saudi ,

D. Makka,


A. Arafat,

80. For ____________hajj is compulsory?

A. The Poor,

B. The Rich,

C. Both A & B,

D. Less than 100 ayahs,


B. The Rich,

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