Islamic History & Study MCQS

Islamic Study MCQs for test and interview preparation

32. During the phase of, secret preaching, the meeting place, of Muslims where, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), taught newly, converts, Islam and, Islamic wisdom, was?

A. House of Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A),

B. House of Usman Ghani (R.A),

C. House of Salman Farsi (R.A),

D. House of Al-Arqam (R.A)


D. House of Al-Arqam (R.A)

33. “Al-Hudaibiyah” Treaty was, concluded in____________Hijri.

A. 5,

C. 7,

B. 6,

D. 8,


D. 8,

34. The “Battle of Uhud” was ,fought in

A. 3,

B. 2,


D. 4,


A. 3,

35. The “Battle of Uhud” was fought, in the month, of?

A. Ramadan,

 B. Muharram,

C. Shawwal,

D. Rabi-ul-Awwal,


C. Shawwal,

36. Prophet Muhammad, (PBUH), sent his messengers, to the kings beyond, Arabia calling, them to Islam., In order to, authenticate the credentials of, his messengers, a ___________seal was made.

A. Golden,

B. Silver,

C. Metallic,

D. Wooden,


B. Silver,

37. In the “Battle of Uhud”, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), selected skillful archers, to stay on a mountain, (side) under, the command of?

A. Abdullah bin Jubair (R.A),

B. Saad bin Abi-Waqas (R.A),

C. Amir Muawiyah (R.A),

D. Hatib bin Abi Balta’ah (R.A),


A. Abdullah bin Jubair (R.A),

39. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)” is called, the name “Ahmed” in Surah.

A. Ya-Seen,

B. Saff,

C. Muhammad,

D. Muzzammil,


B. Saff,

40. wives, of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); the mothers of all Muslims who died, in the lifetime of, Prophet Muhammad PBUH)

A. 2,

C. 4,

B. 3,

D. 5,


A. 2,

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