Islamic History & Study MCQS

Islamic Study MCQs for test and interview preparation

11. The Angel who, delivered messages, to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was ?

A. Jibrael (A.S),

B. ,Mikael (A.S),

C. Israfeel (A.S),

 D. Izracel (A.S)


A. Jibrael (A.S),

12. First migration, of the Companions, and relatives of the “Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)” was?

A. Makkah,

B. Madina,

C. Abyssinia (Ethiopia),

D. Baghdad,


C. Abyssinia (Ethiopia),

13. Which companion, of the Prophet (PBUH) was, awarded with, the title of “The lion of Allah”

 A Hazrat Omar Farooque (R.A),

B. “Hazrat Ali Ai-Murtaza (R.A)”

C. Hazra Hamza bin Abdul Mutlaib,


B. “Hazrat Ali Ai-Murtaza (R.A)

14. “Umm-ul-Masakeen” was the title given, to one of the wives, of the Prophet, (SAW):

A. Hazrat Hafsa Benet Umar (R.A),

B. Hazrat Zainab Benet Jehash (R.A),

C. Hazrat Safia (R.A),

D. None,


Not Sure…

15. Allah, says, “Wives of Muhammad (PBUH) are mothers of believers” in which Surah,?

A. Surah Al-e-Imraan,

B. Surah Yaseen,

C. Surah Muhammad,

D. “Surah Ahzaab”


D. “Surah Ahzaab

 16. Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH), granted a very special, privilege, He said ” May my Father and mother be ransomed for you” to: ______________?

A. Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A),

B. Omar Farooq (R.A),

C. “Saad bin Abi Waqqas (R.A)”

D. Hamza bin Abdul-Mutalib (R.A),


C. “Saad bin Abi Waqqas (R.A)

17. Khadija (R.A), passed away when, she was ______ and Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH)| , was _________ years old?

A. 58-43,

B. 63- 48,

C. 65- 50,


C. “65- 50

18. The “Battle of Badr” was fought, in?

A. 1Hijri,

B. 2 Hijri,

C. 3Hijri,


B. 2 Hijri,

 19. The “Battle of Badr” was fought, in the month, of?

A. Ramadan,

C. Shawwal,

B. Muharram,

D. Rabi-ul-Awwall,


A. Ramadan,

20. The color of the “first flag”, in the history, of Islam, was?

A. “White”

B. Black,

C.White and Black,

D. Green,


A. “White

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