Introduction to Computer MCQS

Introduction to Computer multiple choice questions with answers

71. The first firm, to mass-market, a microcomputer as, a personal computer was: ____________


B) Super UNIVAC,

C) Radio Shaks,

D) Data General Corporation,

72. How many address lines, are desired to address, each machine location, in a 2048 x 4 memory, chip?

A) 10,

B) 11,

C) 8,

D) 12,

73. Properly, arranged data , is called: _________________________

A) Field,

B) Words,

C) Information,

D) File,

74. A computer, contains of: _________________________________

A) A central processing unit,

B) A memory,

C) Input and output unit,

D) All,

75. Why are, vacuum tubes, also called, valves?

A) Because they can, amplify the weak signals and, make them strong

B) Because they ,can stop or allow the flow, of current

C) Both,

D) None,

76. John Napier, designed Logarithm, in: ______________________

A) 1614,

B) 1617,

C) 1620,

D) None ,

77. An, integrated, circuit is: ____________________________

A) A complicated circuit,

B) An integrating device,

C) Much costlier, than a single transistor,

D) Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip,

78. What type of regulator, pins are needed in a microprocessor, to adjust traffic on the bus, in order to prevent two, devices from irritating to use, it at the same time?

A) Bus control,

B) Interrupts,

C) Bus arbitration,

D) Status,

79. Whereas, a computer mouse hovers, Over the table surface, the trackball is

A) Stationary,

B) Difficult to move,

C) Dragged,

D) Moved in small steps,

80. Which of the, subsequent is used, as a primary storage, device?

A) Magnetic drum,

B) Hard Disks,

C) Floppy,

D) All,

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