Constitution of USA MCQS

Constitution of USA Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

11. ”Article III of USA constitution” proved, that:

(a) All legislative powers are vested in Congress

(b) The executive, powers are vested in, President

(c) Judicial powers are, vested in Supreme, Court

(d) All ,

see answer

(c) Judicial powers are, vested in Supreme, Court

12. Article III gives, powers to the Supreme, Court to arbitrate all, cases of:

 (a) Interstate disputes etc.

 (b)Ambassadors, public ministers etc.

(c) None of these

(d) Impeachment

see answer

 (b)Ambassadors, public ministers etc.

13.The ”Supreme Court of USA” consists of one, Chief Justice and, eight Associate, Justices since:

(a) 1970,

(b) 1969,

(c) 1975,

(d) 1869,

see answer

(b) 1969,

 14. The ”US Constitution” has not, prescribed:

(a) Any age bar for the Supreme Court judges

(b) Any qualification, for the persons to be, appointed Justice of, Supreme Court

(c) Minimum Law, Graduate qualifications,

(d) None,

see answer

(b) Any qualification, for the persons to be, appointed Justice of, Supreme Court

15. In the USA, above the’ District Courts, are:

(a) Twelve Courts of Appeal,

(b) Federal Courts,

(c) Numerous Courts of Appeal,

(d) None,

see answer

(a) Twelve Courts of Appeal,

16. ”American Supreme Court” is:

(a) Elected by Congress,

(b) Selected by, judicial committee of the Privy, Council

(c) Nominated by the, president with the consent, of the Senate

(d) None,

see answer

(c) Nominated by the, president with the consent, of the Senate

17. The ”USA Constitution” has authorized, the:

(a) Senate to set up, federal courts,

(b)President to, set up federal courts,

(c) Congress to, set up Supreme Court,

(d) None,

see answer

(d) None,

18. The ”Supreme Court of USA” begins its annual, term on the first, Monday in:

(a) September,

(b) November,

(c) October,

(d) December,

see answer

(c) October,

19. The ”District Courts” in the, USA exercise:

(a) Original jurisdiction,

(b) Subordinate jurisdiction,

(c) Delegated jurisdiction,

(d) None,

see answer

(b) Subordinate jurisdiction,

20. There’ are two ‘types of ”federal courts” in USA, i.e.:

(a) Constitutional and administrative,

(b) Constitutional and legislative,

(c) Constitutional and arbitrational,

(d) None,

see answer

(b) Constitutional and legislative,

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