Biology MCQs

Biology MCQs for MDCAT and other tests


1. Which of the following statements does not describe meiosis?

A. There is no DNA synthesis between the divisions

B. The result is four cells with haploid number of chromosomes

C. Meiosis does not contribute to the genetic diversity in populations

D. Fusion of two products of meiosis produces a zygote

2: The number of chromosomes in egg cells is…………if 2n=8for any cell in the body.

A: 12

B: 10

C: 8

D: 4

3. Chromosomes have lowest amount of DNA in:

A. Prophase-1

 B. Prophase-ll

C. Telophase-

D. Telophase-l

4: Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Meiosis produces 4 haploid cells while mitosis produces 2 diploid cells,

B. Meiosis produces 4 diploid cells while mitosis produces 2 haploid cells

C. Meiosis maintains the number of chromosomes, while mitosis reduces it.

D. Prophase-l of mitosis results in the formation of a tetrad but not in prophase meiosis-

5: Crossing over occurs in:

A: Prophase-l

B: Metaphase-

C: Metaphase-ll

 D: Anaphase-

6. Which of the following events is not the part of mitosis but takes place in meiosis

A. The Chromatids of each chromosome are separated.

B. Synapsis and crossing-over occurs.

C. The nuclear envelope breaks down.

7: Which of the following organs produce cells through meiosis?

A. Testes

B. Heart

C. Lungs

D. Stomach

8: ……….has two sister Chromatids

A: Centromere

B: Chromosome

C: Multichromatid

D: Homologous pair

9: The cell divides during regeneration through

A. Only 1t meiotic division

B. Both meiotic divisions

C. Mitosis

D. All of them

10. Homologous chromosomes:

A. Are identical

B. Pair-up during meiosis

C. One partner of homologous pair move to each daughter cell

D. All of them

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