Biology MCQs

Biology MCQs for MDCAT and other tests


1: …………..are small segments of DNA.

A: Genes

B: Nucleic acids

C: Chromosomes

D: All of the above

2: ……….is the different forms of gene responsible for the same trait.

A: Character

B: Centromere

C: Trait

D: Allele

3. Natural selection alters:

A: Populations

B: Phyla

C: Individuals

D: Races

4: A plant has genotype Rrss. How many different gametes would be produced?

A: Three

B: Four

C: Six

D: Eight

5. Speciation results in:

A: A new gene pool is formed

B: Evolutionary path of a species converge

C: Hybrid species is formed

D: Shows differences in physical traits

6: Phenotype expresses:

A: Genetic makeup

B: Chemical composition

C: Metabolism

D: Physical makeup

7: …………is histone plus DNA.

A: Centromere

B: Chiasma

C: Nucleosome

D: Chromatin

8: ……….is an allele which shows itself despite being heterozygous.

A: Dominant

B: Co-dominant

C: Recessive

D: Incomplete dominant

9: The central dogma consists of

A: DNA+RNA = Protein

B: DNA-RNA+ Protein

C: ONA- RNA->Protein

D: Protein RNA> DNA

10: What would be the genotype of parents of homozygous recessive individual?

A: Homozygous dominant

B: Homozygous recessive

C: Heterozygous

D: Both ‘b’ and’ c

11………..transport Involves the expenditure of energy and molecules move from lower to higher concentration:

A. Diffusion

B. Active transport

C. Facilitated transport

D. Osmosis

12: Which of the following cells have cytoplasm as well as the cell wall?

A. Muscle cell

B. Red blood cell

C. Root hair cell

D. Xylem vessel

13. Composition of cell membrane is

A. Cellulose only

B. Proteins only

C. Lipids only

D. Lipids and proteins

14: Which of the following organisms have cell wall in their cells?

A. Fungi only

B. Plants only

C. Plants and prokaryotes only

D. All of the above

15. Which of the following organelles have a double membrane?

A. Vacuoles

B. Mitochondria

C. Ribosomes

D. Centrioles

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