Biology MCQs

Biology MCQs for MDCAT and other tests


1: The cells that make platelets are known as:

A: Erythrocytes

B: Leucocytes

C: Bone marrow cells

D: All of these

2: Blood of blood type O may be given to:

A: a

B: ab

C: b

d. All of the these

3: The human heart’s chamber has the thickest wall.

A: Right atrium

B: Left ventricle

C: Left atrium

D: Right ventricle

4: The following processes enable blood to diffuse into the tissues:

A: Arteries

B: Veins

C: Capillaries

D: Arteries and veins

5: Except for one, every vein that follows carries deoxygenated blood:

A: Vena cava

B: Pulmonary

C: Hepatic portal

D: Renal

6: Which blood cells are involved in clotting?

A: Platelets

B: Neutrophils

C: Erythrocytes

D: Basophils

7: A person with the blood type A is capable of receiving group’s blood.

A: A or AB

B: A or O

C: A only

D: O Only

8: Myocardial infarction is the outcome of blood flow being blocked in.

A: Pulmonary artery

B: Hepatic artery

C: Aorta

D: Coronary artery

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